Joshua Perin

Founder and Principal

With award-winning experience across business, journalism, and academia, Sound & Sense Communications’ Founder and Principal has built a career as varied as your needs.

He started out working in healthcare journalism in Washington, DC, as a reporter writing articles for an audience of policymakers and as an editor running a newsroom that published six publications every day before noon.

He earned a Ph.D. in English Language & Literature from Yale University, picking up the “humanities toolkit”—research, critical thinking, and persuasive communication—and winning a university-wide award for teaching undergraduates.

He served as an executive leader at a life sciences management consulting firm, where he built an intellectual property management strategy and led the team of 20 charged with executing it. While there, he twice won the firm-wide “Superstar Coach” award, and his team was consistently recognized as the highest-performing department in the company.

He led Corporate Communications at multiple companies, building a high-impact Communications function for an innovative sustainability startup from the ground up and modernizing a nationwide healthcare services firm’s Comms department.

And he’d love to talk with you about how Sound & Sense Communications can help your organization use the power of its story to grow. Get in touch!